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Founding member of ReView. Stefano Bartocci, born in 1979, graduated in architecture from the Polytechnic of Milan. Since 2004 he has worked at the Teknoarch company, joining the technical team that developed the new headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Milan-Bovisa.

The experience continues working for Euromilano in the project & construction management area for the development of complex urban regeneration projects such as the Expo 2015 Village (then Social Housing), the New Polytechnic School of Genoa, as well as the most diversified residential, school and tertiary .

In 2016 he became a founding member of Review SpA where he has the role of senior project manager.

He has constantly explored issues related to architectural composition and landscape (holding the role of member of the Landscape Commission for Municipalities in the Province of Milan for 10 years) while simultaneously delving into aspects related to quality and innovation in the world of construction.


LINKEDIN: Stefano Francesco Bartocci | LinkedIn

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