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Re_View Stp S.p.A is a professional company composed mainly of members registered in the registers of Architects, Engineers and Surveyors.. The company is related to the Euromilano Group which holds a minority stake as a shareholder.. Re_View supports investors in the start-up and management of real estate operations, even complex, leading a consolidated experience validated by important Track records and the expertise of experienced professionals in the different fields of architecture that allows you to follow the customer, at every stage of the development of the initiative, from feasibility study to delivery to final purchasers.

Dott.Matteo Orfano
Sole Director
Arch. Stefano Bartocci
Founding Member
Arch. Castellini Martina
Geom. Cei Filippo
Founding Member

Arch. Curiale Giancarlo
Founding Member
Dott.ssa d'Aquino Ilaria Laura Luisa
Arch. Di Lalla Francesca
Founding member
Arch. Di Giacinto Alice
Arch. Fermo Francesco
Founding Member
Arch. Franchini Luigi
Founding Member
Ing. Marnini Fabio

Dott.ssa Repaci Clarissa
Contract collaborator
Cecilia Simonetti
Contract collaborator
Arch. Dragoni Fabrizio
Contract collaborator
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